I like clean houses, Bare feet, Long dresses, My cell phone, The smell of coffee brewing, My job, Clean clothes, Open windows with the curtains blowing, Rainy days, Christmas, Running my fingers thru soft hair, Ice tea, Playing with my kids, Spending time at Mommy and Daddy's house, Flip Flops, Shopping with my sister Rachel, Talking, Tanning, Sleeping with my fan, Taking pictures of my kids, Bubble baths, Drinking water, Being happy, Dancing, Listening to music, Kissing, Making people smile, Apple scrabble, Going on vacation, New things for my desk at work, Touching soft skin, Sunglasses, Big earrings, Walking, Swimming, Playing games, Drinking coffee, Kissing my kids good night, Telling people Good night before bed, Funny movies, Traveling, Convertibles, Tattoos, Holding hands, A great pair of jeans, Nice people, Bright colors, My friends and family, "Casey time" at my desk, Watching whole TV series in one weekend, Piercings, Bare legs, Baby ducks, My ipod, Blue ink pens, Vodka and cranberry, Smoking when i drink, Plants, New shoes, Laying by my fireplace, My green quilt, And being in love.
This Layout Was Created By happytoni .
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