CETTAVOUS profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Cettavous v.z.w. is planning some big parties, keep in touch with the site! www.cettavous.be &/or this MySpace!
Cettavous' Parties:
Concepts---------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Jetlags: house music
Bangers: elektro music
Statiks: drum and bass music
Party pictures---------------------------------------------------- -------------
Our party gallery is undergoing maintenance. It will be back online a.s.a.p.
Future------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
-Fri 24/10/08 Bangers (Het Entrepot, Bruges)
w/ The Proxy, Les Petits Pilous, Ultravid, Cook-E & Matik
Copy these codes to add these flyers to your MySpace/website:
-Fri 21/11/08 Statiks (Het Entrepot, Bruges)
w/ Black Sun Empire, Phace, D Convict b2b Wasp, Nymfo, JACKTHETRIPPER, MC Dapper, MC D.O.C.
More details to be announced!
Flyers------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------
Meet the Cettavous family:
Stijn Schreel
Robin Ver Eecke
Karel Vandezande
Fill out your e-mail adress
to receive our newsletters!
BANGERS, 15 feb 2008 movie:
!-Open same number of tables we closed-!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Party People!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.cettavous.be<<<<<<<<<& lt;<<<<<