About Me
My name is Muhammad Aizat and u can call me teDdy or what ever u want, i'm an open person. and get in touch with those i really love and appreciate, i dont concider my self an asshole, i may not be as smart as others. But i know what i know, and acknowledge from what i've experienced.I have freinds, but few GOOD freinds. And those friends have put me through alot but as well.. helped me understand life, by taking risks, and getting involved, finding my true self.. in my times of need, i would give back, and receive.... I dont like to take advantge of people, i'm not a pimp, sluth, player, whatever u want to call it.
I'm too nice for my own good.I want to go on tour at least once before I die.I can't dance. I'm a happy kid.[i think].Im not arrogant or concieted, I keep shit real.However, I do joke around alot, and people have no self-esteem so they take me seriously.Im friendly and I like to talk to people, anyone, everyone. Unless your boring me and I have nothing to say to you, and that makes me quiet and then I just won't say anything at all.im a Taurus, were pretty rad. I am not perfect & never will be on this earth.I'm scared of growing up.Confidence is everything.I do not like people without manners its fucking gross
I dont want to be portrayed as someone or something i'm not, or wasent meant to be, a fake, a poser, a phony, a replica, trying to be something your not, just dosen't cut it, people who pretend to care but in reality they pretend to be something else.... You are what you are and accept it for what you are, thats the beauty of uniqness, to one person, and only that person. A person's personality and inner beauty brings out the best in them to the world, and brings out the honest person in me to reveal truth. The actual truth and factfull meanings are more important than knowledge its self...
I love to explrore , travel, view aspects of life from different perspectives. i like to see things diffrently from other views. I know I may not always be right, which is very true. I love to see how other people think, act, view life as a whole, what their goals are. In my burning words of despair, i'm a worrier, i worry about other people, as well as my self, mainly concerened about others. i'm more of a lover and listener , rather then a fighter and basing my own opinions upon my own belief. LOVE is tough,, i wouldent know what it is yet, its blind, it goes anywhere, not knowing where it will strike next, it gets frustrating, but i think thats the beauty of it right?..
i wouldent know, i'm only teDdy boy, an avereage adolcent whom is still growing up in the society we live in, me from believeing what i think and act on. DRUGS.. NO!..Life is full of experiences and obstacles yet to come. Everyone is beautiful, they just have to show it more through actions and verbal understandance. I'll admit i get intimidated sometimes, by other people. But that dosent stop love from taking place, actaully showing it is harder for some, as myself. It may sound easy, but i'de rather love than lust a person. If you cant see past physical apperance, then i would say that person is blind...I think friends are the best thing that ever happened to me.
i dont care what you think of me i honesly dont care anymore people are lame and like to talk shit alot of people dont know me and judge me right of the bat get a chance to know me and see how my true colors really are i can be the nicest person youll ever meet or a total dick labels are for soup cans so dont label me.