As I said above, I've created this page to show some creations that I've made from some pictures found in books or magazines and my paints and drawings.I'm very interesting by artwork pop art traditonnal work. It would be very nice from all of you to give me your opinion(an objective point of view) about this and/or to have some information about the way to sell it legally.Thanks,it'll be very kind of you!!
Every body who is nice and interesting people. People who like art/litterature/music and to travel (I travelled last summer to 'La reunion' the french island close to Madagascar during 1 month - It was wonderful !! - Photos are on my page!And i was just coming of my new travel over there (october 2007)!!"GREAT". And funny personn of course!!!
Lot of style but in particular electronic music (Felix da housecat, miss kitten, massive attack,portishead,terranova,tricky...)and pop/rock/gothic (cure, depeche mode, tears for fears,little nemo,morthem vlad art,joy division,q lazarus..)and scissor sisters,dead can dance,portishead,pixies,killing joke..etc..And my favourite french artist is Hubert Felix Thiéfaine in particular "les dingues et les paumés"and"on est des allummés bébé"tittled mathématiques souterraines, so fact i love all of him,when i feel bad it's a way for me to be better because it's very close of my thinkings and Jacques Higelin
All movies with Edward Norton (in particular American History X) and Psychologic film (6th sens, the others, signs, the village, Hypnose,...) and fiction and asiatics movies (underworld,the eyes, dark water, ring,...)and donnie darko my world!!(just my imagination)!!I like rabbits so much!!and tears for fears!
Nothing special but 'the experts'especially New York and documentaries and reports "thalassa,reportage,arte".
Horror/fiction (S King, G Masterton, C Barker, HP Lovecraft,...)my favorites books are "le démon des morts","le portrait du mal".
My dogs (2 Jack russels) and all my animals (guinea pigs, rabbits, fishes, Hamster, frogs,rats).