Hazel aka Ketil Jensen
Born in 1972
I started making music back in the early 90's when I got my first Amiga. I made music for several 'scene' productions through out the years and entered different music competition at demoparties.
In 2003 I won my first music competition at a party called Meltdown in Denmark. And got several 2nd & 3rd prices from 2003 until 2006 which was the last time I attended a demoparty.
I also joined the Commodore 64 remix community in 2003 and released quite a lot of remixes at "http://remix.kwed.org"
Some good remixes and some crappy ones aswell ;)
But since the "Remixer of the year" award was founded at "Remix64" I slowly crawled up the ladder of remixers and it all went out with a bang in 2007 when I ended on a 2nd place only beaten by the incredible dafunk.
And then ended my contributions for the 'Remixer of the year" awards since I have stopped the remixing C64 tracks bit of my life.
You can listen to some of my remixes below.
At the moment (2008) I am making music for a new album for commercial purpose. I'm also making music for a documentary movie.
You can download my tracks at "www.soundofhazel.com"
I am also a staffmember of the netradio called "SceneSat" which plays music from the scene.
And you won't believe the stuff that gets produced there so you should try and have a listen :)
And we also have LIVE shows as well with dj's. "www.scenesat.com"
You can listen to some of the mixsets & stuff I have done for SceneSat in the player below.