Listening Lately: Jack Johnson, Damien Rice, Joshua Radin, Kate Nash
A Few Good Men
Across the Universe
The Princess Bride
Top Gun
The Office
To read:
-Tuva or Bust! Ralph Leighton
-What Do You Care What Other People Think? Richard Feynman
-On the Road Jack Kerouac
-Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action J. Matthew Sleeth
-The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability Paul Hawken
-Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw it Coming Paul Hawken
-Travels with Charley John Steinbeck
Read (Since August '07):
-The Tortilla Curtain TC Boyle
-Lords of Discipline Pat Conroy
-Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
-The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini
-A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini
-Black Like Me John Howard Griffin
-1984 George Orwell
-Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
-I am America (And So Can You!) Stephen Colbert
-The Good Earth Pearl S. Buck
-This Side of Paradise F. Scott Fitzgerald
-Catch-22 Joseph Heller
-Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character) Richard Feynman
-Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith Anne Lamott
-Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Malcom Gladwell
-Hamlet William Shakespeare
-Beloved Toni Morrison
Chris McCandless.
(Cough, Katy&Lauren, Cough)