...a consultant who could tell me who'd be good for me to meet. My husband keeps me thoroughly entertained, so I'm not starving for extra social input. I don't know. I guess I'd like to meet Ani DiFranco if she'd be willing to show me some guitar licks and give me insight on how to write the killer lyrics she does, only from a Christian perspective. I'd like to meet Larry Crabb and to see if he's as wise and godly as he seems in his books. I'd like to meet Osama BL and ask him why all the senseless killing - it's such a mystery to me. I also wonder if I could look him in the eye and muster up any trace of the kind of love Jesus has for "while we were yet sinners..." I'd like to meet the makers of Rogaine so I can ask for a free lifetime supply. I'd like to meet someone who knows (and would be willing to share with me) the secret recipe to Chipotle's guacamole. Also, a therapist who helps me conquer my perfectionism, and a sinner who's dying to hear about Jesus...