Davextreme profile picture


Live,Laugh, Love, Learn...Leave a Legacy..... ..

About Me

Click Here to get this from FreeFlashToys.com! I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4 I AM A PHOTOGRAPHER. ITS NOT WHAT I DO ITS WHAT I AM. I NEVER WENT TO SCHOOL FOR IT, I JUST DO IT. I TOOK ALL THE PHOTOS ON THIS PAGE (not the animations) PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THEM WITHOUT LETTING ME KNOW. I AM A LIVING TESTAMENT TO "FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS". I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A MUSICIAN, BUT I CAN'T SING OR PAY AN INSTRUMENT. I HAD THE HONOR OF GROWING UP AROUND CANNIBAL CORPSE, MALEVOLENT CREATION, THE GOO GOO DOLLS, AND SOME OTHER GREAT MUSICIANS. THE ONLY WAY I COULD MAKE A CONTRIBUTION WAS TO PHOTOGRAPH THEM. I AM ALSO A RECOVERING DRUG ADDICT BATTLING MY DEMONS EVERY DAY. I AM EXTENSIVELY TATOOED WITH FULL SLEEVES AND BACK AD OTHERS. I HAVE A FEW PIERCINGS AND AMTHINKING OF GETTING SOME MORE. IN RETROSPECT I WOULDN'T CHANGE ANY OF IT. I AM ONE OF THE VERY FEW PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH WHO CAN SAY "I LOVE WHAT I DO." FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS AND DON'T TRY..."JUST DO IT."LUV & RESPECT 2 U ALLEvangelist you claim God speaks through you, Your restless mouth full of lies gains popularity. You care not for the old that suffer, When empty pockets cry from hungerSend your donations, Contribute to the cause. Luxuries, Your righteous reward?You say you'll help us find the lord, Tell me preacher how do you know A simple quest for a visible savior, To lead us through our final prayer. Praise the lord, praise god, Is what you wish to sell. There is no heaven without a hell...Holy man open up your eyes To the ways of the world you've been so blind As the walls of religion come crashing down How's the ignorance taste the second time around Tell me how it feels knowing chaos will never end Tell me what it's like when the celebration begins Welcome to the horror of the revelation Tell me what you think of your savior now I reject all the biblical views of the truth Dismiss it as the folklore of the times I won't be force fed prophecies From a book of untruths for the weakest mind I keep the bible in a pool of blood So that none of its lies can affect me Abusing power I infiltrate Continue lies Then masturbate I walk the line I'll do no time I hate your church I'll burn your state A bleeding heart A seal of fate There is no crime Within my mind Audacious plans I calculate A new world view I'll re-instate Don't cross my path Or I'll see you burn You'll meet your end Find death alone No grave to mark The seeds you've sown You've pushed too far My secrets I defend I'll sell your life and preach your death A wicked plan born of contempt Bleeding my ideology through pain SLAYER-"Overt Enemy"Diabolus In Musica R.I.P. "NEVER 4 GET" .. nter>

My Interests

Recovery,Family, Photography and Music; What else is there??? But without the first...None of the others are possible.
www.gonetoosoon.co.uk online memorials
- create a free everlasting tribute website

I'd like to meet:

> I'm a vagabond king with a stolen crown I'm a jailhouse poet, a genius, a fool I'm the pimp who lost his cool, yeah baby Ive got first class taste in a second class town I'm a loaded gun that pointed at the mirror A drugstore cowboy whose end is near, yeah baby I'm a big time schemer with broken down dreams I'm a derelict rebel without a cause I ain't the cat with the sharpest claws, no baby Cause sometimes life just ain't what it seems... by -Mike Ness a "true hero" I kept the right ones out... and let the wrong ones in. Had an angel of mercy to see me through all my sins. There were times in my life when I was goin' insane... Tryin' to walk through the pain!!! But then I lost my grip... and I hit the floor!!!Yeah I thought I could leave, but couldn't get out the door. I was so sick and tired of livin' a lie... I was wishing that I would die!!!You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk But I just couldn't listen to all that righteous talk. I was out on the street, just tryin' to survive Scratchin' to stay alive !!! It's amazing with the blink of an eye you finally see the light.It's amazing that when the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright Yeah, It's amazing and I'm saying a prayer for the desperate hearts tonight. To all of you...out there wherever you are. Remember... the light at the end of the tunnel, may be you - By S. Tyler "another Hero"


Take the quiz:
Which Guitar Player Are You?

Randy Rhoads
You are Randy Rhoads! R.I.P. 1956-1982 You died before you were ever able to reach your full potential, and you started very young and were a good teacher even in your teens. You were with Ozzy for a number of years before you were killed in a plane crash, induced by your own doing. You will be remembered forever.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Yeah...Like I can sit still long enough to watch one.



My Blog

If Paige Wins...at Nietze’s 8/23/2007

Posted by Davextreme on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:49:00 PST

Projekt Revolution Darien Lake NY 8/19/2007

Posted by Davextreme on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 07:12:00 PST

Marilyn Manson and Slayer Cleveland OH 7/07

I was a little bit disappointesd that Manson was the Headliner seeing as Slayer has been around a lot longer.   Although Manson definately put on a killer show,  Music wise Slayer blew ...
Posted by Davextreme on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 07:55:00 PST

Social Distortion Towne Theatre Buffalo NY 7/07

As always.. A Kick Ass show.    ...
Posted by Davextreme on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 07:46:00 PST

R.I.P. Baby...We Love You.

www.gonetoosoon.co.uk online memorials - create a free everlasting tribute website                         &nb...
Posted by Davextreme on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 09:21:00 PST

KMFDM at the Buffalo Icon

Posted by Davextreme on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:27:00 PST

Sick of it All 20th Anniversary Tour pics

Posted by Davextreme on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:07:00 PST

Genitorturers, Mortis and As Summer Dies at Buffalo Icon

Posted by Davextreme on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:06:00 PST

Aerosmith Motley Crue Pics from Darien Lake

Posted by Davextreme on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:31:00 PST

Sex Kitten at the Last Show em off Sunday... HOT!!!

Posted by Davextreme on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:09:00 PST