Exploring the insides of extremely large, hollow, fallen trees. Traveling. Meeting interesting people. Making small talk with the elderly and learning a lot anyways. Watching video clips or TV documentaries that involve snakes, grizzly bears, great white sharks, silverback gorillas, or my favorite... lions. Drinking beer with friends. Grilling food. Bonfires. Thinking about the future and getting excited. Thinking about the present and wondering how I became so confident. Thinking about the past and laughing at the goofiness, being proud of the accomplishments, and being sad about the people and things that are gone forever. Talking on the phone to my niece. Being overly preachy to friends and family about doing the right thing. Being a complete cheeseball. Convincing the black guys at work that everything a white guy says to them is somehow racist and that they should be offended. Being proud of my own African heritage, despite not having one.
Jesus Christ, only because I'd like to ask him if he ever slipped up and said either his own name in vain. I'm a blue collar guy myself and I've never met a carpenter who didn't cuss like a sailor.
If I say "Donnie Darko", "Eternal Sunshine", or "Garden State", will it seem like I have good enough taste? Seriously... Cool Hand Luke, The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Wizards, Force 10 From Navarone, The Wolfman, Jaws
Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, and any other show where girls can be so cute, witty, and funny that the audience is completely ignorant to how cruel, selfish, and manipulative they really are. Any show that makes being self centered feel like an epic journey is must-see TV in my book!
I know I'm supposed to say "DaVinci Code" but I was reading before reading was cool. Anything Narnia-related (childrens books with very adult undertones), Cell by Steven King was fun even if it wasn't a great book, the graphic novels "Kingdom Come", "Watchmen", and "Red Son" are amazing reads and brilliant takes on the world today... they just happen to have superheroes in them, so all of you really "mature" people probably wouldn't be interested. Lord knows if it's animated or fictional it can't possibly be intelligent.
Apollo Creed. He softened Drago up just enough that Rocky could defeat him.