All hamsters of the world! Please add me if you're a hamster. Heck, even if you're not, you can add me... and they say hamsters are anti-social, ha!
Small Animal Survey!!!
What kind of small animal are you? I'm a white and beige hamster!
How old are you? I didn't have a calendar, but I think I was born sometime in May or June of 2006. I was adopted in early July
Where did your owner get you? Animal House in St. Pete, FL
Do you have any other animal friends living with you? My parents' roommates have a cat named Spike. He's huge!
If so, what kinds of animals? Just Spike, the giant cat. Well, my daddy is called a gorilla, sometimes
Whats your favorite food? Sunflower seeds and something brown that is part of the food mix. My new veggie treats are pretty good
Do you like to be held? Not really. They don't seem to understand that I can appreciate them from afar. I really just want my space (this is perhaps the anti-social part of being a hammie), but my mommy and daddy insist on holding me all the time. I wiggle and protest, but they still do it, anyway.
Do you poop and pee a lot? I'm great at that. I like to pee in my hamster ball and my poop is huge. I can also *projectile* pee and have hit the curtains behind my cage!
Do you love your owners? Well, they haven't eaten me, yet, so they're okay. Perhaps they're trying to fatten me up, first. My mommy tells me constantly how much she loves me. Daddy calls me a "silly rodent." At least he does it nicely. If anyone was going to eat me, it would be him.
Are you overweight? I'm a bit round, yes, but I believe this is the norm for hamsters. I've viewed other hamster profiles, you know. As much as I run, I should be thin, but it must be genetics.
Do you like to get baths? I HATE baths!! I try so very desperately to get away, but to no avail! My muscles just aren't big enough, yet to get out of the sink! Mommy doesn't give me baths, anymore. My friend Harriet told me that baths can kill hamsters, so no more baths! Yay for me!
Have you ever bitten your owner? I usually just lightly nibble people who have handle me. I did bite my mommy once when I was scared (see the next answer).
If so, why? The house was filled with smoke from cooking and I didn't know it was her and I chomped down on her pinky finger when she tried to pick me up. I feel terrible about that. I haven't bitten her since
Have you ever met another animal like you? No, but I have seen some neat hamsters on this MySpace community.
Have you ever pee'd on you owner? No, but I've peed in my ball and peed in my sleep area so that my owners are grossed out when picking me up because my hands and feet are wet.
Have you ever been outside? First when I was taken home by mommy on July 16, 2006. Mommy just took me outside in December to show me the hot tub outside and she showed me fire from the grill and said it was bad.
Have you ever eaten grass? What's grass?
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