Definately music people!LoTR,caTs and all da people out there who r open.HA...last but not lovely squid
All my ex-classmates from sri subang,smsu,ex-tuitionmates(is dat what u call?hhhmm..bantai la)and also anyone
Bsb,LinKin Park,BritNey,christina,simple plan,gareth GaTes,mAriah,.....hmm...???
Lord OF dA rinGs,HaRRy POtTer,A waLK tO reMemBer,She's All Dat,StAr Wars,10 things i hatE abOut U,wHilE u weRe sleeping
F.R.I.E.N.D.S,C.S.I, giLmoRe GiRls,2 gUys And a giRl,70's ShOw,PopulaR,mTv cRib,Punk',
okey...i dont care what ppl r going 2 say but i like sweet valley books,harry potter,lotr and lots of magazines..especially gossip stuff.hehe!
LeGolas of Course!Anakin Skywalker,squID