Vintervind profile picture



About Me

I..m a musician that loves to make music and create my own worlds and landscapes with tones.

From the shadows I and some new and old times friends and past band collegues formed a new band that now seen the light of day.
The band is called LAVETT so check out our mySpace page at and add you as a friend of course to get the latest updates from this new and promising band!
Soon you will be able to hear some music aswell as we are in the last parts of the recording process of the first songs!!!

TWDSO are currently "on hold" for an unknown future as we focus on the new band at the moment.

In the past I played/composed music in the band Beseech between 1993-2006.
Unfortunly, but for the best we decided to make an end of journey with Beseech of different personal reasons in the end of 2005.

TWDSO on MySpace

BESEECH on MySpace

My Interests

Music, movies, history, science and having fun with friends

I'd like to meet:

Peoples that have influenced me in different ways and those that are interesting to talk to of different reasons.


All kinds music from swedish pop to heavier stuff but to mention a few bands that influenced me in different ways are for example Kent, Mew, Depeche Mode, Korn, Danny Elfman (movie music), Deftones, Massive Attach, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Rammstein, Type o Negative, HIM and many many more...


Edward Scissorhands, The Goonies, Nightmare Before X-mas + many more... and of course Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings that everyone else have as favourites...


Prison Break, Desperate Housewifes, 24, Simpsons, Battlestar Galactica and all kind of science programs


10 dumbest mistakes smart persons do, Lord of the Rings (trilogy), Albert Speer and the truth


My dad and my son Devin Vintervind

My Blog

Mixing mode with Lavett

Yesterday we got the first mixed song "Out of Control" with our brand new band LAVETT and I know that something good will come out of this band!Add yourself as a friend at t...
Posted by Vintervind on Wed, 14 May 2008 06:29:00 PST

New project in the horizon

Hello, was a while since I visted my private MySpace page... anyway.... some news that only are put here is that we put TWDSO "on hold" for an unknown future as we now concentrate on a new project yet...
Posted by Vintervind on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:31:00 PST

In the studio with TWDSO

Second day in the studio now and we now working on many things at the same time, the music of course but also with the official website, myspace page, planning for the photo session this coming week a...
Posted by Vintervind on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 06:44:00 PST

Mentaly prepaired

Just want to say that tomorrow we´ll begin to complete the work on our new demo with the new band TWDSO. In the end of next week we expect to have 4 songs on the table and hopefully launch wepage, mys...
Posted by Vintervind on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 07:03:00 PST

Past weekend

Captain´s log: 546546671 Been litlle quit from the blog-side... sorry but now I´m here and alive! Things feel good right now with the new band that now if officially formed under the name "Those We Do...
Posted by Vintervind on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 01:54:00 PST

Another day...

It´s been a tough night, my son are Ill with some fever and cannot sleep... so when it was time to go to work I wanted to stay home aswell as he did from the day care but Jessica pulled the shortest s...
Posted by Vintervind on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:17:00 PST


Hello, this is the first official day for my Vintervind´s MySpace corner.... hope you will enjoy it someways and I will have it updated when important or less important things happen.Another important...
Posted by Vintervind on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 01:44:00 PST