anything other than science and math. like great danes and gelato and karaoke and being outside in the sun. with a blended margarita and nachos. discussing ideas.
people who are able to make fun of themselves. and me. and know all the words to "informer." and are willing to perform it. weird al yankovich. people that inspire me to be a better person. people that like interstate driving.
Pat Benatar, Bonnie Tyler, The Cars, The Clash, Snow, Journey
Billy Elliot, LAubergeEspanol, Princess Bride, Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy movies. wes anderson movies. Amelie, Goonies.
Lost, Six Feet Under, The Daily Show
Mountains Beyond Mountains, Middlesex, The Spirit Catches you and you Fall Down. anything Tom Robbins, Murakami, or Allende. A Year of Magical Thinking
Dr. Paul Farmer, Dr. Izzy Stevens