2007...HMM interesting..
Crazy the New YEAR IS almost here. 2007 are you serious?
Damn..This year went by Extremely Fast. I've learned so much and seen so much. Im happy With what my year has been. As I accept all the hard times and thank God for the Wonderful one. I've met a few cool people within this year. Still have my friends that have been there forever & of course Corye is still Riding life out with me. I wonder what this new year has in store for me. I hope and pray for a blessed year filled with happiness. & thats for everyone.
My name is Joeline..I'am an 18 year old College student. I start School In January at Kean University. Im a cool person. [but doesn't everyone swear they are]. I just dont take shit from anyone. Which usually causes me conflicts. But, thats just how I'am. Sometimes my attitude can get outrageous but hey no ones perfect im tryna work on that. I have 5 sisters. 2 Full sisters..one named Alesha she's 19...and Eboni she's 13..I have a lil half sister named Denisha.. Another wonderful Big sister Named Myriam...and My God sister Shelli..I love these Ladies..They all make up a part of me...I have 4 Brothers..2 full Brothers Darrell & Deron..I love them with all my heart...These guys will do anything for me. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have them in my life..I have a another Brother Derrick...He's great..and is always here for me whenever i Need Him..and My Brother Sonny..He really has never let me down...I know that if i ever needed anything that he'd be there for me and I apperciate that.
Well more about me enuff about all them losers..lol
Well me Im 5'7 Model status..I weigh 130..Not that its any of your business..But ahh O well lol..
I use to be a mean ass person lol. Well I would say I wasn't mean because I never looked at it as being mean I just figured i'd speak my mind when and where ever i felt. But I've learned over time there is a time and place for everything and somethings i felt the need to say were not necessary and sometimes hurtful to others. But I'm kinda [peep the kinda] past that. So most of the people who meet me now just think im this nice calm girl. So now for the most part i am. I guess it took me graduating Highschool to pass that faze. I use to be a MENACE. But see I still have smidget of the tendencies in me. Like when a btch tries to get smart or maybe lets say double cross me or get at my man. Sometimes I may lash out. But i try my best to just keep cool. and at most just say "whatever fuck it" lol..especially when someone else wants the issuse to be over then for me its done. I dont dwell on it. once you end it..its over and done with as far as im concerned. I dont keep shit going. I only retaliate to what is said to me or if it has anything to do with me (and even then I've learned to let the little shit go. As far as me sayin anything to anyone [I'll pick and choose my battles wisely] So Nope I dont find the point I have other things to worry about..Dig it!
Im deeply in love with Corye. If you see me anywhere you'll most likely see Him. If you see him Riding around You'll most likely see me riding ShotGun. He is my bestfriend my heart my soul my everything. He is the one person I know 100% that i can count on and will never hesitate to call.Nothing or No one can take the love we have away. We are not perfect and we Make mistakes But no one can make me feel the way he does. He has taught me so many things and I have done the same for him. With him in my life I look at the world so Differently. No im not sayin everything is perfect Because we are NOT Barbie and Ken. We do have our differences we do Argue..[BOY DO WE ARGUE] But at the end of the day I know his Heart Is Mines. & I know that this thing called "Life" would be nothing if we didn't have each other.
So many Big things On my horizon
I'd rather just sit back and let you all see it all happen
then rather talk about it!
God has been blessing me in so many ways and Im just so
grateful everyone keep your head up and never give up on your dreams =)
respect yourself and always be your biggest fan and motivator because no one wants more then to see you succeed then your self! keep your head high..always!
Love .......Joeline
SOME People can be so fake and so phoney. I mean Im a nice person so I respect or at least attempt to respect everyone. But people do the dumbest shit and make it hard for me. But whatever Im going to continue to be the good person that i am. Despite other peoples Jealously and hateration lol. I can't help who I am. People despise me for no reason...They feel threathened by me when I haven't even done anything to them. =)I didnt know i was such a strong force and had that much authority but its cool to know..Im still that btch. But Back then I was trying to be. Now it just comes naturally. Im in college Living my life bettering my self for my future with the love of my life and people still look at me and get scared that imma Do something that could ruin there every move. But I am not them or like them. Im mature and would never try to ruin something so Beautiful..=)[talking about my life]..but whatever I accept everyone for who they are...and May God bless them..
I believe we all have purpose. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Whether it be big or small. It matters to him so it should matter to you. People dont see life as a gift But it truly is a gift. & im so thankful For my life. I apperciate my life. I believe alot of people dont thank God Enough for waking you up each day. Hell I know I don't. But as for me Its my time to start. I wanna find a true peace. =) I mean for the most part I am happy. But i want the peace the true peace that only the Lord can Give. I love God. He is my strength he is my motivation He Comes 1st IN my life. No matter what I do Or say I know that God is always there. He Will never leave me..and He will never leave you. Trust in God Have faith in his Word For with out him we would be nothing. =)
I so Can't Stand
+When people ask me to make there Myspace
+When People request me ((Especially GiRLS))then request my man...I know you got his page from me...But why?...What is the point?..
+When people ask me 1000 Questions that are already on my page.
+When Dudes try to spit game to me..Stop direspecting me pLease..If you didn't see my page then cool. But once you seen my page..and compliment it and then come back and still try to holla its a problem.
+When People steal my pictures..and my words..its corny..But HEY i am flattered
+I can't stand!...People who request me hitting me up over n over asking will i add them..If i add you I do..If i dont get over it.
+Ilk at whack messages..whas good sexy and shit of that nature is IGNORED..sO DONT get mad
+People who request me just to be down..But hey thats my fault for addin so many damn people.
+I dont like being called Sexy or things like that i know its out of the kindness of your heart...but it bothers me.
On a good note I love helping people with personal problems
Honestly i dont know how many people come to me asking for advice in things of that nature. I dont know that makes them. But i actually like helping them in that aspect. If i can actually help and better someone im all for it.
So i just wanna thank all the people who trust in me and confide in me..and respect my words =) thanks you kindly because you'll help me just as much as i probably have helped you.
Give a man His space
Let him make his own decisions
Dont force a man into something he doesn't want to willingly do
See if he is really the one for you..
(when you dont have to say shit cuz he already knows)
Let him make mistakes and learn on his own dont drill everything into him. Let him grow.