Mr. Afique ♠™ profile picture

Mr. Afique ♠™

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About Me

My Name Is Mohd Afiq Akhimullah bin Zollfikree. 19 years Old. A SimPLe PerSon. NoT So HandSOme and Not UgLy. i have AlReaDy ReGistered FoR a LOng..LONg Time in this SIde bUt Not sO AcTivE. so if u want to kNow More About Me, u can just add me.... u can also use yr Yahoo Messenger to ChAt WitH me.. ThAt'S aLL FolKs... I'll UpDaTe [email protected] MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Coreography, World Music Concert, Aviation, Flight Simulator, Music Instrument, Sports, Seksologi hehehe....

I'd like to meet:

hmmm... i'm not sure who am i wanna meet... let me think... Firstly is our prophet nabi muhammad s.a.w. , KeAnu ReeVes, my BeLoved FriEnDS, SurAyA, NaKao SAki, AyuMI HAmAsaKI, IL DivO, AikO, DaisUKe OtsUki, DaIsUke OkiTA, SaToShi, BaD-B, ThIeRry HeNrY, UtAdA HikAru, Masi Oka a.k.a Hiro Nakamura, Hyden Penettire a.k.a Claire Bennet, Peter Patrelli, Usher, Justin, Omarion, Jay-z, Hmm.. Who ELsE.. SiTi NuRHaLIZA, RaJa FaRAh, Too PhAT, Jay ChOu, UsHer, R KeLLy, RoNan KEaTInG, hmm.. Can I ThinK FoR da MoMeNT. I'll UpDaTE LateR...


Beethoven's music Orchestra, Hip Hop, R&B, World Music, Il Divo, Muse, NaSHIT...


It, James Bond, Mission Impossible, The Mask of Zorro, Lord of The Ring, Mr. Bean, Soul Plane, Girl Next Door, Just Like Heaven, All Matrix Trilogy, The Aviator, Air Force One, 13 going to 30, Madagascar.


Heroes, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Sex & The City.


Physics Books, Flight Manual, EASA Modules, DCA Airworthiness Notices Issue No.9,


James Bond, Claire Bennet.