Make new friends & stay in touch with old friends. Music, dj's, producers, music & events productions, journalism and everything related with the electronic music
Electronic music related people such as dj's, producers (music & events),promoters, managers (talents & label) interested in give opinions about the electronic music around the world, being interviewed or just with some info to share. All the open minded & smart people who understand and love the music are welcome as well.
Gente relacionada con la música electrónica como: Dj's, productores( de música y eventos), promotores, agentes (talento y disqueras) interados en dar su opinión con relacion a diferentes temas, ser entrevistados que simplemente tengan algo que deseen compartir. De igual manera, todos aquellos de mente abierta que entiendan y amen la música son bienvenidos también.
PROGRESSIVEEEEE! :) TECH HOUSE, Minimal,Trance (Deep-Melodic-Progressive), But most of all Progressiveeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D