Aaron Almashy is a professional guitarist, music producer, teacher and the CEO of Almashy Audio, Inc. He's known for his versatility and ability to write in any genre, from Hip-Hop to Rock & Roll, Jazz, Classical and everything in between. Almashy Audio, Inc. contains a
fully-functioning Commercial Production Studio, where the soundtracks for many television and film projects are produced from concept to completion. Almashy Audio, Inc. resides in the historic Moerlein Manor, in the Gaslight District of Cincinnati, Ohio. Almashy Audio has state-of-the-art multitrack recording facilities offered in the comfort of a 3000 sq ft luxury penthouse nestled into one of Cincinnati's premier neighborhoods. Almashy Audio, Inc. offers specials for DJ's, solo artists, and classical quartets. On-site recordings such as live shows and recitals are also welcome.
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