thats miss nicole to you profile picture

thats miss nicole to you


About Me

OK a bit about me: I love the smell of Dial bar soap, Don Henley's "Sunset Grill" makes me think of my father, I'm territorial, when I'm swimming sometimes I imagine I am the last human on Earth, I want to be better than I am at everything, if I could have one super-power it would be to be able to have my own versatile external soundtrack, I love diamonds but hate diamond mining, my confidence waxes & wanes in direct proportion to my knowledge of any given subject, I'm terribly clumsy, I adore companionship, I prefer NOT to be in charge (shocking), I can't spell very well, I am an information junky, family is the most important thing to me, sometimes sad things make me physically hurt, I would do ANYTHING for a good friend (and sometimes not so good friends), I like to feel like I am a part of something greater than myself, I have recently developed an addiction to sunglasses, I am easily amused by coincidences, and if I could describe myself in one word it might be PARADOX .
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

For those of you who don't know this is a video of App students spontaneously getting together, tearing down a goal post, carrying it through campus, and then up a very steep hill to the greatest Chancellor at any school ever's house. Michigan 32 Appalachian 34!!

"i love MY macintosh, my apple, is my life"- Jody Creed Dunnigan

I'd like to meet:

Jackie O, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Isaac Mizrahi, Bill O'Reily (so I could bitch slap him), Tony Blair, Margret Thatcher, Dave Matthews, JARED LETO, CJ Craig (if she were real), Will Farrel, Dane Cook, Maya Angelou, Steven Colbert, Sacha Baron Cohen, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise!!


DMB, The Killers, Otis Redding, Etta James, Johnny Cash, Justin Timberlake, Dispatch, Pulse Ultra, George Michael, Tina Turner, Billie Holiday, Feist, Lynard Skynard, Journey, and other assorted bands and musicians
.. The Landlord on ..


Anchorman, Wedding Crashers, Fever Pitch, Dave Chappelles Block Party, Apollo 13, Requiem For A Dream, Walk the Line, Breakfast Club, Donnie Darko, Rocky Parts1-6, The Godfather Saga etc. etc..


Love HBO's TV series, the West Wing, Lost, and yes the girliest of girly shows Grey's Anatomy


Of recent, I start a lot of books, but don't really finish them. These half-read books are scattered all over my condo. However, because I spend a lot of time in airports The New Yorker and the Economist are frequented reading material.


Superman, Rocky, and Jody Dunnigan
" You know the thing that sucks about have to super size your meal just to get the regular portion."- Charles Robert (french accent)

My Blog

Douche Bags Part Un

Here is a question: how does one become a douche bag? There are many theories on this particular topic. One popular view point is that a person learns the behavior from the barrage of douchearific (e...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:45:00 PST

You’ve all seen it, but damn it’s still good

Just a few questions: 1)What laws do I have to break to get into this prison? Consider them broken. 2) Who is filming this? The guards? 3) Do you think they have auditions? and if so do you think the ...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 10:40:00 PST

Tina Turner & Cher, Every Drag Queens Dream

Singing in the mirror: probably my favorite past time. When people ask me: "so what do you like to do, what are your hobbies?" If there were a socially acceptable way to say: "I spend an amazing amoun...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:29:00 PST

Check Out Is At 11

I lazily through my arm over my head to bang the snooze button. Pulling the covers the last 4 inches to reach just below my nose, this sanctuary was perfect. Darkness melted around me, and the brisk c...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 08:23:00 PST

Boston Here I Come!

So it is offical. I packed up the last of my stuff at 10:05 PM Sunday night. Boston Baby! Home of the Sox, the Celtics, and now to Miss Nicole. I know what you're thinking: "You're moving to Bean...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 07:51:00 PST

Little Drummer Boy

The Band: Little Drummer BoysEver the petulant child, a tight grip and a bitchin' attitude. In it purely for the glory, but addicted to the music. Over complicate the beat with intricate and confusi...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 09:00:00 PST

The Approaching Date: The Final Installment

The projector screen in front of me seemed like a view hole brutally torn into the wall of our Student Union. Larger than life the view hole was the only source of light in the room. In the front...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:23:00 PST

The Approaching Date continued...

One week after my first wild Labor Day weekend home from college I met Thomas, or "Rod" as he was known in those days. I had just finished a shift at our college radio station, where I had actually ma...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:35:00 PST

The Approaching Date!

In 1981, on the 11th day of September, just one day after my mother's 28th birthday, my parents were married in my father's parent's up-scale townhouse in Orlando, Florida. They had "chosen" this...
Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 09:02:00 PST

"Ba ba ba ba ba....Go App....KICK ASS!!!"

Posted by thats miss nicole to you on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:00:00 PST