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The roots from Headshot lay in April 2004. Lead singer Floris van Dulmen played in many bands,
but was searching for a new project.
He was inspired a lot by the first albums from for example Korn, Rage Against The Machine and
Deftones. This sound he called new wave, Alternative Metal, Crossover! There was no problem
finding a guitar player. Remco Petri, with whom he formed the singer/songwriter duo Independent,
wanted to join this project without thinking. The DJ was an old friend of the lead singer. These two
class mates from high school often exchanged music. Now was the time for them to form a new
band. After this they had to find a bass player, drummer and MC. The band was complete;
Headshot was a fact! Once a week the guys from the band came together and jammed. They used
a lot of different styles the individual band members used in there previous bands. Because of this
Headshot has an original sound. Dynamics is very important for the band. This resulted in an
aggressive, active vibe in there sound with even some funk and Hip-Hop.
Important for the band is the political themes behind the songs and with this they give away an
active show. This year (2006) they played a gig for Amnesty and the band was wearing GITMO
(Guantanamo Bay detainees) outfits supplied by Amnesty International. The reason for the gig was
to make people aware of the violation of human rights of al Qaeda suspects held by US troops at
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
The music/lyrics you can call intellimusic because the music tries to make people think about their
own choices in life and to take part in political discussions.
In 2004 the band debuted for the first time on stage. The band played on a skate punk festival
called Beatricks. The reactions of this performance were very positive!
In June 2005 the first demo CD album of Headshot was a fact (‘Against Our World’). A lot of doors
have been opened with this recording for new performances and kick-ass shows!
2006 is the year Headshot will be very active playing more gigs, recording many new songs and
producing CD's and DVD's. Headshot has played this year at massive festival in The Netherlands.
Last year they have produced the best cover version of a song by a Dutch songwriter "The Lau" with his song In Vrijheid. Headshot's cover version won the cover song competition.