Art, music, computers, YouTube, gaming, reading, writing, pro wrestling, building or crafting stuff.
For one thing, most of my friends on YouTube...
Living: Greg & Tim Hildebrandt, Anne Rice.
Dead: H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, John Lennon.
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Hard Rock, Metal, Classic Rock, Progressive, Alternative, Jazz, Blues, Classical, Flamenco, Fusion, New Age, Funk, etc. Most things except rap, hip-hop and most country.
The Evil Dead series, Star Wars (Original trilogy), Ladyhawk, Excalibur, Children of a Lesser God, to name just a few.
TNA, WWE, ECW, Garage shows, Dr. Who, Auction shows, Educational programming.
Horror, Fantasy & Science Fiction mostly.
Parents, Grandparents and other family members. I don't look up to celebrities and most people one thinks of as heroes are usually just victims of circumstance and opportunity. I believe that given the chance, most people would do the heroic thing. Ok maybe not most but a lot of people.