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the garethlewis


About Me

join me and have a listen to my record, static north.

friday, july 27th - 10pm

cocktail molotov
928 dundas st w

no cover; CDs for sale.
(tip your bartender!)

projections by local artists and tunes from smart-eared folk.

hope to see you there - send me a message for any more info.

- photo fun:

- other art things:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


david byrne on responsibility in war ST: On that note, I want to talk about your coffee.

Lynch: I like the coffee that I drink right now.

ST: I thought you were considering a branded David coffee?

Lynch: We are, but I haven't found a coffee better than the one I'm drinking now.

ST: How many have you tested so far?

Lynch: Well, we haven't tested that many Scott, so we have more testing to do. And I think I have a testing next week. The idea is to really get ? well again, this is all subjective but I know what good coffee tastes like to me. And if I got that, we might do a David coffee.

ST: Oh man, that would be awesome.

Lynch: It would be awesome, Scott. We gotta have some coffee and some good times.

- Scott Thill talks to David Lynch for wired magazine


i guess.




invitation to love.


coelho | coupland | dahl | kerouac | klosterman | rushdie

My Blog

Illegal Billboards in Toronto

Repost of bulletin:--Last week I came across this post on a site related to the Toronto Public Space Committee's Billboard Battalion campaign (in which I participate). http://illeg...
Posted by the garethlewis on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 05:36:00 PST

it bothers me that i have to go

it bothers me that i have to go
Posted by the garethlewis on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:33:00 PST

Going to England for 9 days bye.

Going to England for 9 days bye.
Posted by the garethlewis on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:30:00 PST

f*cking air show

i am infuriated by the presence of military aircraft in the skies over toronto.air pollution. noise pollution. risk of crashes at ridiculous speeds into innocent people. if one of these things goes ou...
Posted by the garethlewis on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 09:34:00 PST

what do i do with this?

so i come home last night to find this piece of paper that had been dropped through my mail slot. scrawled on one side was: 4255 Rt501 11 Aug 2005 driver still not take long enough holiday from cop...
Posted by the garethlewis on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 12:12:00 PST