acting, weather, aging, the way things work, BS, BBQ, stick shift, culinary pursuits, outdoors, lighting things, quiet nights, loud days, keeping myself busy, taking vacations
you and other bipeds under 30. (mattyw35 AIM)
at the moment: feist, cheap trick, beach boys, elvis, madonna, steppenwolf, gustav holst, beatles, scissor sisters, underworld, daft punk, tom waits, johnny cash, donovan, buddy holly, sufjan, satie, kanye, jill scott
don't watch many movies. recently saw and liked thank you for smoking and a prairie home companion
don't watch much tv, but catch the daily show, colbert report, west wing, family guy, simpsons when I can. tv on dvd feeds my sometimes obsessive nature.
favortie authors include: ionesco, genet, pinter, beckett, sedaris. more of a NYT and current events reader than lit.
captain planet...I hear he'll bring pollution down to 0.