I'm a bit of a ninja.
My name is Dave.
Some people call me Ninja Dave.
Oh and by the way, it's pronounced "neen-ja" not "nin-juh" ;)
I like rum.
Sake (that's "sa-keh" not "sar-kee") is nice when it's hot, too.
Some people say I drink too much.
I like to get pissed.
When I get pissed I talk a lot, make no sense, confuse myself and find it difficult to follow a conversation.
I also continue a conversation which ended minutes or even hours earlier.
Some times I don't even speak English.
I also have a tendency to get very serious and apologetic.
It's annoying.
But you'll have to deal with it.
One of my biggest pet peeves is adultery.
I like to see adulterous fucks getting hurt :)
I can be a tad sadistic if you're a nasty piece of shit.
Otherwise I'll do what I can to make you go :) instead of :(
One thing is can't stand is being stood up.
If you don't want to meet me, don't pretend you do.
Also, lying is for children.
Selfish children.
I like to play bass. It's fun.
I like a few instruments actually.
I'm looking for someone to sing like Axl Rose.
Oh yeah, I love the old Guns N' Roses.
Axl fucked it up mid-'90s.
Boo him.
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