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Nataly Adrian

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About Me

MySpace Glitter The Destin townspeople refer to their town’s past as “the Legend”, hiding the fearful truth from themselves. For, in reality, the story of Queen Ranna and her Sudba Creatures hangs like a dark cloud over the town. So, when ten-year-old Irian Horvats, who is the hub of the novel, decides to delve a little deeper into the mystery of “the Legend”, he becomes entangled in a puzzle – a puzzle that many important townspeople do not want to see solved.

The Legend tells of the Amphitheatre, which belonged to Queen Ranna - the hideous queen of the Sudba Creatures, whose sole role was to create a destiny for each baby born in the town. Each creature embodied a certain human quality - from love to hatred, from intelligence to stupidity, which it bestowed upon the unborn child in differing strengths and recorded in the silky pages of the Destiny Book. No Destiner was free from Queen Ranna or her Creatures – their fate lay in the Queen’s hands. Until Emo and Arena i.e. the heroes of the Destin’s Legend were born without a destiny and hence able to reclaim the Destiners’ liberty.
Following in the footsteps of Arena and Emo, Irian sets out to discover the truth in the Legend. Will he uncover more than he bargained for? Could he unwittingly unleash an unexpected and alarming train of events?
Entouré par une famille aimante et des amis fidèles, Irian Horvats, dix ans, mène une existence heureuse dans sa chère cité fleurie de Destine, à l'instar de tous ses habitants. Pourtant, la Légende de Destine rappelle qu'il n'en a pas toujours été ainsi.
Il y a de cela un temps indéterminé, un roi maléfique, Arameen, et son épouse Ranna ont créé des êtres surnaturels nommées Sudba, à partir des Créautres de Lumière déjà existantes; et les ont dotés de pouvoirs redoutable: les Sudbas étaient en effet chargées de déterminer le destin de chaque bébé de la ville venant au monde, et l'écrivaient dans le Livre du Destin.
Le temps a passé et la plupart des Destinois veulent croire qu'il ne s'agit que d'une Legende; or Irian, attiré depuis son plus jeune âge par le mystère de la Légende, décide de se pencher sur les traces laissées par les Sudbas, d'autant qu'une rumeur persistante affirme le retour de Ranna et de ses créatures, dont les pouvoirs n'aurainet pas été totalement anéantis...
Von einer liebevollen Familie und treuen Freunden umgeben, führt Irian Horvats, zehn Jahre alt, ein glückliches Leben, wie alle Einwohner in seiner geliebten, blumengeschmückten Stadt Destine. Dennoch erinnert die Legende von Destine daran, dass es nicht immer so gewesen ist.
Vor unbestimmter Zeit haben ein unheilbringender König und seine Gattin Ranna aus schon bestehenden Lichtwesen Sudba genannte Kreaturen geschaffen; und haben sie mit furchtbaren Kräften ausgestattet : die Sudbas waren nämlich damit beauftragt das Schicksal jedes Neugeborenen der Stadt zu bestimmen und schrieben es in das Buch des Schicksals.
Die Zeit ist vergangen und die meisten Einwohner Destines wollen glauben, dass es sich nur um eine Legende handelt; doch Irian, von Kindheit an von den Mysterien angezogzen, beschliesst, sich die Spuren der Sudbas genauer anzusehen, besonders weil ein anhaltendes Gerücht die Rückkehr Rannas und ihrer Kreaturen behauptet, deren Kräfte nicht völlig vernichtet worden seien...
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

SALMAN RUSHDIE - to tell him that he's simply amazing!!! He's such a talent!
I'd love to be introduced to Jesus Christ. Would have a lot of questions to ask him!!
Also, I would like to meet publishers, my readers - people who are creative and have passion for writing (particularly fantasy writers and readers)
Here are the photos of my friends reading THE DESTINY BOOK across the world. They are so precious to me!!!!!!!!!
Your photos are very welcome too!!! ..

My Blog


BY NATALY ADRIAN   Michael Katakis, Ernest Hemingway's literary agent resembles his famous client in many ways; whether in terms of his passion for travelling, love for Paris or for the inte...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:46:00 GMT


I strongly believe that time does not exist. It only serves to remind us that we, humans, aren't eternal. When writing my book I realised that I had to invent a new calendar as none of the already e...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 17:11:00 GMT


When I was about twelve years old, I was so curious that it was very difficult to follow and control me. If I wanted to know or see something, there was no way of stopping me from doing it. And above ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 14:16:00 GMT


I've been thinking about something. I'm very keen on being a writer, but I don't like the idea of being a serial tree-killer. I mean, when I consider the amount of paper I needed in order to write my ...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 16:05:00 GMT


Why a blog? Why not! I am fed up with people asking me my website address or my blog. So, here it is! Have it! Keep it! Given that I'm broke (a common thing in my life!) - this blog could be a go...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 20:16:00 GMT