About Me
Myspace Countdowns , Girly Countdowns at WishAFriend.com
*Singing in the car.. to the top of my lungs
*Watching movies
*My teddy bear
*My friends
*The cute guard at Stoneybrook
*Little kids
*My family
*Learning new things
*Breath-taking hugs
*Shooting stars
*Open doors
*Beautiful music
*Succeeding after failing
.... most likely you :)Things you should know about Kelsey:
1) I love the Lord, my savior and father, above anything else.
2) I love my family a great deal as well, and they are most awesome. I truly pity anyone who says otherwise.
3) I love my friends. Laydie, Tori,Cori, Haley, Christine...To be perfectly honest, I will do anything for them. So please just save yourself the trouble and don't mess with them.
4) I love music with a true passion. Singing, playing, listening. It's a wonderful gift that God has given, and I can't do without it.
There's not much else to knowing me..
I'll be going to Palm Beach Atlantic University in the Fall
I love acting and musical theater with everything that I have
I like to think I'm nice.. But I'm probably too nice..
I have difficulty with the word "NO"
I like to get to know new people.
And I like to laugh.. A LOT.
That's pretty much it!
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Laydie' Craver is absolutely amazing. She is one of the most beautiful people in the world, not only outside, but the inside for sure. She's also pretty hot. Ha. She has taught me that it's okay to be me, no matter how crazy it can get:) I love her more than words can express. She has helped to make me who I am, she is a part of me.
Aunt Ellen is truly the most amazing woman I could have ever hoped to know. She lives in me and has helped to make me who I am, she is a part of me.
Victoria Listello is my best friend in the entire world. She has taught me the true meaning of friend. She has stuck with me through everything, even those most crazy of times:) I love her SO much I can't really even say. She has helped to make me who I am, she is a part of me.
Bradford Michael is one of two of the GREATEST older brothers I could have ever asked for. He has taught me more than I can describe. He's taught me strength. He's the most intelligent person I know, hands down. He and his wife, Amanda Rose , have shown me open arms, at all costs. She was there for me as a big sister, listening to all my rambling girl problems. They have shown me how to be a real person. They have helped to make me who I am, they are a part of me.
G."Slim" Thompson is another of the most fantastic brothers. He pushed me to not settle. He helped me to achieve everthing that I could be capable of. Quitting is not an option with him.. and I can not explain how grateful I am for that lesson. He is the most incredible muscian I have ever known of. He is unbelievably smart, and very caring. His wife, Laura , is also extremely beautiful inside and out. She is a woman I hope to be like one day. Both of them have helped to make me who I am, they are a part of me.
Thomas Hillegass is probably one of the coolest kids in the world... He's like the little brother I never had... I love him... Gotta watch out for those appendix heart attacks... I better not see any more F words come outta you! Stay cool... stay the coolest...
This thing doesn't work.. so go under the "a little about myself" and click view comments and go from there!!!