CoM3 oN MaN..I'M 20 YeaRs oF aG3...mY iNteResT iS DeaD PResiDenTs...WhaT's YoURs?? I'M FRoM Caf{E}..I waNNa SuCCesSfuL CaReeR...aNd I waNNa b3 BeTTeR TheN u...mY iNteResT iZ FaMiLy aNd FiNanC3 (cOm3 oN maN waLK wiT m3...I'M heaDed tO WheRe tH3 MoNeY iS..aNd I dOn'T waNNa B3 LaT3)FaM-
fR33 WaLLi3 gWaP!!
my heaVeNly faTheR (R3al taLk [woRd is f'E] alot of lost kin im trynna reunite wit yee digg)
Caf{E} FaM PRESENTs: MO CA$h VoL. 1 [Good Guys Finish Last: Bad Guys Gettin Ca$h!..droppin in the BuRbs and the picc it up!
shiT aNythiNg...any GeNr3Niq$[M]onIE Th@ PRiNCe -ChiNo fRoM Th@ DiNO -SLOT!
AwWwwwwWwww shit wHeR3 dO i beGiN....Naaaa I Lik3 waYyy tOo mucH shit oN teleVisiOn...tHiS woULd b3 tH3 LoNgesT LisT eV3r
HaRRy PoTt3R - aLL of eM ya diGgdR. SeUsS of cOuRs3aNythiNg eLs3 iS juS LiteRaTuR3 =p
i kno most folk look @ Superman or Batman as a HERO..NOT mE!i got 3 off top that Superman can never be more SUPER then..- Aaron Leach (Bay Bay CaF'E cadet)
- Michael Johnson (Mike was Incredible HULK of my familia)- last but not least..he jus got his fr3sh new pair of wings to go wit his SB's (my SUPERMAN..Charles Marshall believe that..FR3Sh In Peace CJ STYL3s..GOD gotta get his swagg right now that u up there wit em Yee DiGG!)
as long as they watch over me - SATAN can't get meeee !