Do i hold the key to ur heart? profile picture

Do i hold the key to ur heart?

if you take that much time out of your dat to talk aout me than i must be a star

About Me

if your see one of my friends on this page then you must be really important to me!!!! Well any wway i'm reppin te class of 07. i am a senior at overhills high school go jags. I am really nice and get along with any and everbody the one thing i hate is two faced people i just do. Well any way i love all of my friends and family. Special shout out go to : Corey Jennie Britt RJ james kiara and Teddy every body else i love but i gotta go.1... girls layout @ HOT

My Interests

.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
S Saintly
H Hot
E Excellent
N New
T Tame
E Eccentric
L Lively
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S Square
H Hardworking
E Emotional
N Nutty
T Trustworthy
E Exquisite
L Luxurious

G Great
I Ideal
N Nice
E Explosive
E Earthy
L Lucky

W Wild
I Inspirational
L Lazy
L Lucky
I Intense
A Accurate
M Misunderstood
S Shiny
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Name Acronym Generator