This profile is made in loving memory of Phillippe "Doc" Genoud. It was created so Phillippes family and friends can stay in touch. You may share stories laughs or anything that you feel Phillippe would enjoy.all of the about me, interests and other sections were copied from phillippe previous myspace.
About me? Not much. I'm in the Navy, I work as a Corpsman. What the fuck is a Corpsman, you ask? Allow me. I provide emergency medical care in the battlefield to injured Marines as well as perform sickcall for all and any non-battlefield injuries/illnesses. Exciting.....sometimes. What the fuck is a Sailor doing running around with Jarheads? Good question. I volunteered for the orders. Marines don't provide training or schools for Marines to become medics. Falling under the Dept of the Navy, they provide Field Medical Service School to mold Navy Corpsman into Fleet Marine Force Corpsman. Thaaaaaat's ME!Done with my 2nd tour in Iraq and I've extended my orders with this battallion to do a 3rd deployment. Though I'm pretty sure that it's going to be in the West Pacific this time not the sandbox. But, enough shop talk. I'm an Aries(still not sure what that means) and I like drinking. I've had some good times now that I've been 21 for a while, sooo I've slowed down a bit since then. Hey, I got responsiblilies now, can't be a dumb kid forever, right? (or can I....?) First and foremost, let me be honest. I'm an asshole. I usually rub people the wrong way. Not my fault, this is my way. You warm up to me eventually once you get past my sarcasm. But, hey, I am a gentleman, you've got to give me that. I can't tell you everything about me in a few paragraphs, but if you feel like getting a hold of me, please do. Shitheads need friends, too.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4