Sculpting, Costume making, Film, Batman, Battlestar Galactica, lot's of other sad geek stuff.
Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Chris Nolan, oh wait I have met those guys. 'Tis true, look [url][/url]Well add to that list Jack Nicholson, Mikey Keaton, Tim Burton. Anyone see a pattern emerging? May as well throw in Michelle Pfieffer and Kim Basinger into the mix. Mmmmmm, there's a thought!
Anything, as long as it's good!
Seven, Usual Suspects, Batman 1989, Batman Begins, the original Star Wars movies (where creatures were made from fake fur and Greedo shoots first dammit!!!) Casino Royale, The Prestige, anything by Mr. Burton Mr. Singer or David Fincher. WB Gangster movies starring Jimmy Cagney.
There is only one thing on TV. BATTLESTAR GALACTICAWell toss in some Dr. Who, Scrubs and Stargate if you must.
Anything non-fiction, preferably related to film and SFX.
My son.