I like read, watching tv, the usual really - am attempting to learn how to swim, oh and I love spending time with my wonderful friends!
Anyone interesting..esp some old faces!
The Killers, Coldplay, Travis, Maroon 5, Linkin park and loads of other random bands too many to mention.. but got to throw in a little Hindi and of course the music of my roots BHANGRAAAAAA.
When Harry met Sally, The Lost Boys, The Breakfast Club, A Time to Kill, Anything Johnny Depp! The Spiderman films, Shrek and all those animation films...as u gather the list is pretty much endless...
DR WHO!!!!!!!!!!! Prision Break, 24, ER, Desperate Housewives. and those that have finished Friends and the classic X-Files
I read pretty much anything that comes my way and when I get the chance.
My parents...they inspire me to be the best I can be cos they worked so hard to give me the kind of life I am blessed to have today. Also the greatest and unforgettable Mother T, who dedicated her life to others - if we all did even 1% of what she did the world would be such a improved place.