Ciarrrra profile picture


This is C-Airrrr-Ra yall. N i think i might be in love

About Me

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My Interests

Akon - Konvicted

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[Marital Status]
[Shoe size] 6
[Parents still together] Yes
[Siblings] No
[Pets] No
[Color] Pink because pink is hot
[Number] 2006
[Animal] Wolf
[Drinks] Coke N Rum
[Soda] Grape
[Book] Don't have 1
[Flower] Don't have 1
[Color your hair?] Black
[Twirl your hair?] Yes because that is sexy
[Have tattoos?] Yes 1
[Have Piercings?] Yes 2
[Cheat on tests/homework?] Tests No Homework Yes
[Drink/Smoke?] Drink Yes Smoke No
[Like roller coasters?] Ya they Freak-n Rock. You will never hear me use that phase ever again in life. EVER
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Ya South America
[Want more piercings?] Not really
[Like cleaning?] Yes
[Write in cursive or print?] Cursive
[Own a web cam?] No
[Know how to drive?] Yes. My new 2006 mustang.
[Own a cell phone?] Yes. Do u want my number. 410-535-0776. Sike dont call this number it is a movie theater
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Ya then i go and rip up the streets in my new car. I will also never use that phase again
[Been in a fist fight?] lol Yes
[Considered a life of crime?] Ya i think i would be great at that. I always think ahead and I have a photo graphic memory so i would not get caught.
[Considered being a hooker?] Hell NO
[Lied to someone?] Yes but i hate lie-n and im not good at it. So i rarely do it
[Been in love?] Yes
[Made out with JUST a friend?] Yea
[Been in lust?] mmmm I love that word LUST
[Used someone] No thatz not my style
[Been used?] I hope not
[Been cheated on?] Once again i hope not
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] lol. Yes n he D-Served it. He tried 2 take my purse
[Stolen anything?] Yea some candy once. It was kind of funny
[Held a gun] No
[Current clothing] Anything new
[Current mood] Happy
[Current taste] Pizza
[What you currently smell like] Good
[Current hair] lol The wet puppy dog look
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Hang n with my friend
[Current cd in stereo] B-Day
[Last book you read] Ebony mag does that count
[Last movie you saw] Da Ja Vo
[Last thing you ate] Pizza
[Last person you talked to on the phone] B-Rob
[Do drugs?] No
[Believe there is life on other planets?] Yes
Remember your first love?] Yes
[Still love him/her?] Ya i kind aaa do
[Read the newspaper?] Sometimes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yes
[Believe in miracles?] Yes. Is n that a song
[Do well in school?] Yes. Edcation is important. C I Spelled Education.
[Wear hats] Yea
[Hate yourself?] No
[Have an obsession?] The need for speed
[Collect anything?] Shoes
[Have a best friend?] Yea. I quess right now it would b Black Rob
[Close friends?] Yea. B-Rob,So-Fe-Aaa, Sarrrra, Coco, Ebony, Ricky, Latoya, Tyra, Lulu, VC, Eric, KC, Jason, La-Shawn-A, Tony, La-von, and my home girl Star. I love that name
[Like your handwriting?] Yes
[Care about looks] Some what but not really
[First crush] lol B-Rob
[First kiss] Rather not say that
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Yes
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Yes
[Are you a tease?] Yes
[Too shy to make the first move?] Hell no
[Daydreamer] Yes
[Bitch/Asshole] No but who ever made this question is both
[sarcastic] Sometimes
[Angel] 99%
[Devil] 1%
[Shy] Not even close
[Talkative] Sometime


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