I'm NoT Sure..!!!
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.
**MoMoSu** **GlaY** **KaT-TuN** **M.C.R** **AeRosMiTh** **SiMpLe PlaN** **MuSe** **SoaD**
**LorD oF Th3 RinGs** **YounG N' DangerouS** **My SaSsY GirL** **FuLL HouSe** **Goodbye Mr.CooL** **Th3 DruMLiNe**
**DexTeR Lab's** **VanDrEaD** **KoReaN DraMa** **JaPaNeSe DraMa** **AniMe** **LaS VeGaS** **SportS**
**On3 Piec3** **NaRuTo** **GeT BackerS** **BleacH** **SlaM DunK** **DetektiF ConaN** **DraGoN BaLL** **DeTeKTiF Q** **KreKo**
**My LoVeLy FaMiLy** **KaKa** **AraGoN** **LeGoLaS** **ChanG Ho NaM** **KaMeNasHi KaZuYa** **Bi RaiN** **MicheaL JoRDaN**