Tattooing, Martial Arts, Music, Movies, Reading, Philosophy, Art on all levels, Working out, FOOD.
The Leu Family
I choose my movies by directors.Anything by Riddley Scott, Michael Bay, Tony Scot,Sam Peckinpaw,Michael Mann,Clint Eastwood, Sergio Leon,Quentin Tarentino,Robert Rodrigues,Akira Kurasawa,David Lynch,Scorcese,Wes Anderson,Frank Miller,Robert Rodriques,Most Sam Raimi,Orson Wells,Spielberg,Lucas,Stanley Kubrick,Stephen Chow.and more. Independent arthouse films, foreign films, I do like hollywood big productions but they have to have substance...atleast most of the time.Comedies of all types.
Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, HBO Series, And Comedy Central I don't like TV much but if I was going to watch it.
Anything By Hemmingway.Mostly Philosophy and different Religions.You know, the whole man's search for GOD shit.