Language, Drums, Catepillars, Writing, Poetry, My pet duck 'Entchen', Print Making, Tennis, Friends, Piercings, Spontaneousness, Tattoos, Observation, Rock Concerts, Saimin, Family, TV, Music, Reality, Movies, Infatuation with Books, Photography, Painting, Drawing, Laughing, Beaches, Ice Cream, Contrast, Flirting, Talking, Silence, Sleeping, Ice Shave, That First Glance, Eye contact, Holding Hands, Cell Phones, Mohawks, DVDs, Dancing, Cooking, ...and oh so much more...
Ahhhhh Hotness & SpunkPush me into the world and I will meet it face to face, pull me away and I will leave blood and guts for you to taste...
*** Pretty much anything that consists of strong vocals, smashing lyrics, funky instruments, catchy melodies, done with class and a bit of reality, however you may see it*** ThE WhItE StRiPeS,EdItH PaIf,RaNcId,DeAd KeNnEdYs,MuShRoOm HeAd,SiLpKnOt,InCuBuS,BlInK182,SuPeR TrAnSaTlAnTiC,HaRvEy DaNgEr,BlAcK FlAg,SyStEm Of A DoWn,EvErClEaR,ThE OfFsPrInG,AlIeN AnT FaRm,MoZaRt,FuEl,PuDdLe Of MuDd,SuM41,T.i,ThE ViNeS,SuGaRCuLt,DiStUrBeD,KoRn,KiDnEy ThIeVeS,311,LiViNg In QuEsTiOn,QuEeN,NiCkElBaCk,FFOR,NaTaLiE ImBrUgLiA,NoRaH JoNeS,NiRvAnA,EvAnEsCeNcE,ShAkIrA,MaRoOn5,KiTtIe,JoHn LeNnOn,TeNaCiOuS D,GaViN DeGrAw,DeFtOnEs,SoUlFlY,JiMi HeNdRiX,CaRlOs SaNtAnA,ThE BeAtLeS,CrEeDeNcE ClEaRwAtEr ReViVaL,CoLd PlAy,SeLeNa,KaTiE MeLuA,EmInEm,DrOpKiCk MuRpHeYs,GrEeN DaY,ThIrD EyE BlInD,GoRiLlAz,DaNnY ElFmAn,OiNgO BoInGo,ThE MeLvInS,FaLl OuT BoY,MiXjAh,StRaY CaTs,tEaRs FoR fEaRs,TaKiNg BaCk SuNdAy,TrIvIuM,DiR En GrEy,SiMpLe MiNdS,X-RaY SpEx,My ChEmIcAl RoMaNcE,FlOgGiNg MoLlY,MiNdLeSs SeLf InDuLgEnCe,NoFx,BaD BrAiNs,BeCk,BrEaKiNg BeNjAmIn,BuCkChErRy,CoNtRoL MaChEtE,DaViD BoWie,GlAsSjAw,InKwElL,LeAdBeLlY,PePpEr,PeTeR ToSh,PrImUs,SeEtHeR,SuBlImE,ThE CaSuAlTiEs,ThE ClAsH,ThRoWdOwN,No DoUbT,RaGe AgAiNsT ThE MaChInE,AlIcE In ChAiNs,SuRf PuNkS,AgAiNsT Me,MiNoR ThReAt,ThE StRoKeS,Go LiKe HeLl,CiRcLe JeRkS,DrOwNiNg PoOl,Led Zepellin ecetera, ecetera...
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are something I enjoy...
FaVoRiTeS: SLOPPY FIRSTS, SECOND HELPINGS and CHARMED THIRDS by Megan Mccafferty, BULLY: A True Story Of High School Revenge by Jim Schutze, WHAT MY MOTHER DOESN'T KNOW by Sonya Sones, RAINBOW BOYS by Alex Sanchez, EMPRESS OF THE WORLD by Sara Ryan, and KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN by Manuel Puig etc etc.
My Best FriendsMy Homie SLC Punk!Connections with ShawnaMein Schmacko Maren;-DMi HermanaFrom Cone NahTo Hee LowCoincidence? I think so...This is what happens when you put a hair buzzer in my hand & tell me to "Go for it!"Power Slide + Shorts + Wood Floors = Kickass battle wounds!IThe Nightmare Before ChristmasCommunicate, Educate, Liberate.
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