Cydney is my everything, she keeps me alive. She is my girlfriend and her and I are in love. I would take a bullet for her. I'd risk my life for her. I'd do anything for her. I am truely going to be in love with her forever, I know that sometimes I am inconsiderate but I will prove that I care about her. It's my goal. My number one goal<3
It's hard to describe who I am I guess because I dont like to tell people who I am. I have many many views on life. Sometimes I go outside and lie down. Sometimes I decide to look in one spot for the longest I can and try to think about that spot and nothing else. Others times it's all fun and games. I'm interested in cooking as a career and also art. Design maybe. I want to be someones hero. I want to make a difference in life. When people ask me what I want to do in the future I get panicy because I dont know what I'll do. I just kinda have to live day by day.
I listen to a lot of music.
I have nothing againt certain genres. Although I dont like rap or r&b. I dont think that people shouldnt. Everyone has an oppinion and not just on music. On everything and for someones oppinion to change anothers, I find that amazing. How something that you put so much thought into and then someone says different and then you dont belive in what you thought was true anymore.
I love life. It can be cruel, yes.
I could also not be here, I wouldnt like that.
Then again I wouldnt be their so I couldnt be able to not like the fact of not being created.