music, travel, photography, practicing spanish, literature, too much caffeine, the Fuji Neopan lineup of black and white films, portraiture, scanning negatives, photoshop, cursing in foreign languages, transmutablity, not sitting still, insider trading, arbitrage, lounging, doing anything but homework, cooking, news, NPR, being right, attempting to budget myself, poking holes in arguments, antiheroes, soccer pickup games, imperfections, sustainable development
Good spellers, fans of the ";", introverts, travellers. You know...the usual.
Lately: My Morning Jacket Ween Wilco The Flaming Lips Jim O'Rourke Air
Shawshank Redemption, Chungking Express, In the Mood for Love, The Graduate, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, La Haine, The Thin Red Line, Apocalypse Now, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, Belle Du Jour, Waking Life, Dr Strangelove, 2001, Husbands, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, The Fog of War,
Iron Chef, CNN, BBC, Formula One, that Japanese show where the hosts get all excited about things like Katsu and Sukiyaki, Entourage, Globe Trekker
The Sun Also Rises, Labyrinths, The Stranger, Catch-22, The Almanac, The Atlas, 501 Spanish Verbs, Death of a Salesman, most Tom Robbins' stuff, In Cold Blood, Things Fall Apart, I need to read more.