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About Me

Barry Whitehead was born Jon Barry Smith in 1967 in the small town of Nixon, TX. He ran away from home at the age of 17. He lived in San Marcos and then later Austin, TX were he "discovered" punk rock music. Hanging out at places like Raul's and seeing bands like the Big Boys and Scratch Acid inspired him to change his name to Barry Whitehead and form a band of his own. That band was called The Licking Wires.The Licking Wires featured Barry on guitar and vocals, Mike Sanchez on bass, and Patty Whole on drums. The Licking Wires existed for one year and then dissolved into another band and then another until Barry finally decided to try living in Mexico for awhile. It was there in Mexico city that Barry met Barbara and her husband Tim. Barry became the lead singer of a new band called Los Otros Diablos. This was now the year 1985. In 1986, Barry was arrested bringing narcotics into the United States ( not alot, just what he planned on doing). While in prison he started yet ANOTHER band called PRISON. This band featured Barry on vocals and harmonica and a man by the name of Timmy Bustamante on guitar. Prison had a hit song called "Tired of Feeling like Shit". It was a country western tune. after serving five years Barry was released "for being a good boy". Excited by the new sounds of "GRUNGE", Barry headed to Seattle. It was there that he spent most of his time working at the University library. He tooled around a bit, decided to "try" heroin. After "trying" heroin for about eight years, Barry cleaned up and got a new job bartending at the Off Ramp. After talking loudly about his skills as a guitar player he was dared into forming a new band....this band was called Melting Broomsticks. In the year 2002 Barry, now working at Hot Mamas pizza, met Ruben and Lacey. Ruben and Lacey were buying pizza and Barry recognized them from their band called The Charming Snakes. Ruben and Barry became friends and formed a band called The New Melting Broomsticks Society. the line up was Barry on drums, Ruben on bass, and eventually Lacey on guitar/key-tard. Lacey quit after two practices and Ruben quit after six practices. The New Melting Broomsticks Society reformed in 2006 with Ruben and Barry back together, they shortened the name to broomsticks and......then Ruben quit again. So.....I guess we will have to see......

My Interests


Member Since: 09/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Barry, Ruben, Larry, and Frampton
Influences: Elena Steuber,Ishmael Reed,comic books, sunglasses that go over glasses, and the Riddler, Butterfly People
Sounds Like: Garbage, crud, mud, blood. Ex members of The Licking Wires.

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