About Me
Hi, my name is Higgs!I dont like people who take things to seriously and who think they are better than everyone else! At school i can never choose between black or blue ink, some days i think blue looks better but others i choose to write in black. When i was younger i used to read threw the argos caterlogue as soon as we got it, however now i occasionally read it but never go out of my way to read it, i think that it is fascinating how people can change so much in 8 years or so. My third faveroute channel is channel 5, i think it is cool how they always do documentries on other people's miss fortune and some how make it intresting, also i think it is good how only half of the tv's can get channel 5 and half cant, how does that work?Anyway please feel free to comment me as i am always up for a chat:D higgi =]