Star Wars, video games, money, guitar, literature, killing mastadons, etc, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, bowling, horror punk, whipping Ace's ass, whipping Jason's ass, pwning noobs on Xbox Live and CS:S, pwning noobs in RL, pwning your mom in bed, tattoos, criminology, my cats ..
Living: Tom Petty, Shane McGowan, Mr. T, Steve Stevens, Mike Campbell, Billy Idol, my old cat Paco, Ron Hexe, Chuck Norris, Olivia Munn, Kevin Pereira, yo mama, Paulie Shore's character in Encino ManDead: Crazy Horse, Black Elk, Randy Rhoades, Paulie Shores' career, Emile Durkheim
Tom Petty, Billy Idol (Fuck you he rocks) the Misfits, punk rock: The Descendents, the Lillingtons, Bad Brains, Audio Karate, Ghoul Squad, Ron Hexe. The Pogues, Flogging Molly, Blood For Blood, Bruce Springsteen, Dropkick Murphys, The Exploited, Broken Halo, Worm Suicide, Danzig, Dragonforce, Balzac, Niggaz On Ice, Scarecrow, the Horrifics, Mister Monster, Gotham Road, Michale Graves, Dirty Dead, Calabrese, Blitzkid
STAR WARS! I also like cop movies, action movies, any old Arnold movies, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, kung fu movies, horror, old sci-fi/horror movies, B
Law & Order:SVU, Family Guy, Cops, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, infomercials.
The Ender Quartet, Bean Quartet, all Star Wars books, Battlestar Galactica, Neuromancer, Earthsea Trilogy, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, 2001: A Space Odyssey, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, Tehanu, Wolves of the Dawn, pretty much anything by Arthur C. Clark, Tales From the Crypt (EC Comics)
Me, Tom Petty, Geronimo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Esteban, Mr T., Anakin Skywalker (In ROTJ), me, Commando Cody from Radar Men From The Moon, Randy White, Little Josh, Chuck Norris, David Vela, Captain Apollo, Lt. Starbuck, Rick Deckard (you try retiring four Nexus-6 androids in one day). Brad (AKA xxRANCIDGASxx) Kyle (AKA LED MONK), Sean (ArrogantDemon) and Padre (Father Azmodius!), Colonel John Matrix.