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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

salgado, serrano, nan goldin, cindy sherman, sarah moon, literature, jamie oliver, tabarly, bruce chatwin, movies, travelling, reading, architecture, design, fashion, contemporary art,


moby, air, madonna, depeche mode, baroque, bach , vivaldi, morricone, nyman, glass


Kieslowski, Tarkovski, Moretti, Loach, Frears, Jarmusch, Cassavetes, Kitano, Monthy Python, Crialese, Leone, Eastwood, Lynch, Greenaway, Fellini, Rossellini, Visconti, Cronenberg, Polanski, Pasolini, Wong Kwar-Wai, Tarantino, Coen brothers, Kubrik


polars, detective stories, pessoa, saramago, izzo, jelenik, simenon, cioran, claude izzo, umberto galimberti, ellroy, connelly, rankin, highsmith, yourcenar, cervantes,rushdie, beckett,


toto le hero, bruce lee,emma peel,