The White Glove Alibi profile picture

The White Glove Alibi

check out our new merch designs under our pics!!!

About Me

The story of three guys coming together to create some amazing music and watch their dreams unfold. They play out in sections such forth as...
Band Bio:
Somewhere between 1969-1976 (noone is really certain), God sent down his only son, Josh Kendrick, to be the savior of all that is musical. Upon this time, Josh knew that he would have to find other musicians of equal musical divinity in order to make the fullest impact possible. Well, one day, a knight was pilaging through villages leaving all townspeople in permanent paralysis with his musical mastering and thus stealing all of the women with his great beauty. Josh knew that this man was destined for rock and roll super stardom and asked the young man: "What be it your name?" And the man replied: "For it is I your holiness, Dan Sassone." Josh decided then to let this man play bass with him in order to help him fullfill his mission set forth by God himself. As Dan and Josh continued to change lives forever with their infectious melodies and catchy hooks, they heard a story of great virtue. Intrigued at what it could be, they set forth out yonder to find out. Upon arrival in what is now modern day Kazakhstan, they found themselves amongst the pressence of a drummer extroardinare and musical guru, Mike Ratcliffe. He had been tearing up the local scene in Kazakhstan with his insane face melting drum skills. Josh and Dan knew there was but one thing to do: Form the most awesome band of all time, and name it "The White Glove Alibi." This name of course came to Josh in a dream where as a young boy he had sexual encounters with Michael Jackson.......or was it a dream?
Dan (Bass):
hails from Sexyland which is located somewhere between Thailand and Bangladesh. At the tender age of 9 he was banished from Sexyland for being too sexy, that's right, TOO SEXY. At this point he decided to make his way to the USA where he heard there was a plethora of sexy females. So, he boarded a pirate ship and made his way to the states. Upon his arrival to the USA, he traveled across the mountains of New Jersey by way of a Sherpa's back. He finally came to rest in Kinnelon NJ where he has been residing ever since and is currently working towards completing his ultimate goal: getting ALL the sexiest females in the country.
Josh (Vocals/Guitar):
born in the southern state of louisiana he still doesn't drink sweet tea or eat seafood, but enjoys all music (as long as it's music and not shit). has come and gone amongst most cities living there from time to time never really settled down untill his family found north carolina. my dad being an artist and all i have been through the ups and downs. like living in a old school bus for a number of years ahh what a childhood... lol well back to my story yeh we found high point i grew up found out i could play music and thats how it all began. i did the chorus whing in middle school then played a show there the very next when i arrived at high school i started to tour so after my first i quit then things started to go down with my career. so i got a job darn. i played in numerous bands along they way most recently have been playing in greensboro mostly for fun and food cause you all know how much i love to so i was jamming around quaker one night when this guy approches and cases me out it just so happened to be dan. we talked we jammed we started a band and thats where i am now... living the dream of having the best band ever!
Mike (Drums):
Lost, misunderstood and confused soul from the pit of Walkertown NC, Mike has been taking his aggression out on the skins for nearly 13 years. Originally from Alexandria VA, Mike moved to Kernersville NC in 1986 and has been raising Hell in the triad ever since. With nothing to lose, he continues to experience new horizons and stomp any obstacle that comes in his path! Mike’s likes include playing hide and seek by him self, Kangaroo racing and riding unicycles in the nude along with many other common activities.
show your support
Graphics provided by:
"Brand new and making a lot of headway "The white glove alibi" is a fresh new dose of rock adrenaline to a scene that is so full of the same old song and dance. Making the crowd pivot and scream in waves for the new direction of music their putting out. Catchy yet balanced songs with driven choruses that will stick to you like honey and go down so sweet. This band is one I guarantee you won't forget so easily...!!!"
Ghost Designs AT PLAY!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/9/2006
Band Members: Josh - Guitar / Lead Vocals
AIM - Joshrokx twga

Dan - Bass

Mike - Drums
AIM - NCDrummer4Life

BOOKING - [email protected]
Brand New Merch Designs



Influences: Josh- alien ant farm, as cities burn, at the drive-in, brand new, Blindside, chiodos, cartel, Dashboard Confessional, Deftones, He is legend, Incubus, jack johnson, Mayday parade, panic at the disco, sayanything, Scapegoat, Story of the year, sullivan, taking back sunday, The Spill Canvas, Thrice, underoath.

Dan-Primus, Tool, Local H, Nirvana, Les Claypool, Victor Wooton, Led Zeppelin, Flea, Rise Against, 311, Dave Grohl, Clutch, Chris Squire, Beck, Deftones, Frank Zappa

Mike-Into the Moat, NeVerSet, Meshuggah, Dogfight, Sabbath, Niro, Lamb of God, Paulson, Deftones, Incubus, Killswitch Engage, Waking the Cadaver, Mewithoutyou
Sounds Like:A barrel of monkey's and your favorite bands tossed inside a blender of satisfaction with a shot of emotion and a side of rocking riffs and catchy melodies...!!!

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

hey guys were coming back in febuary with some brand new shows....!!!!

like the brewery in raliegh, the somewhere else tavern in greensboro, creations in kenersville, the soundvent in thomasville and many many more....!!!! the new songs we have coming out are amazin...
Posted by The White Glove Alibi on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 05:31:00 PST


To book The White Glove Alibi for you next event, please email us at [email protected] YouDan TWGA
Posted by The White Glove Alibi on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:51:00 PST

Long walks on the beach and holding hands in the shower

Those are a few of our favorite band activities.   If you would like to join us in any of these activities, contact us!
Posted by The White Glove Alibi on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST

so this is the new profile guys

First of sorry for all the hassel and confusion we were having alot of problems with our last page we couldn't send messages friend request or comments so we had to sacrefice our 1,500 plays but we wi...
Posted by The White Glove Alibi on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 04:29:00 PST