travels to the exotic (mozambique it the one place everyone should go before they die), drinks and dinner with friends, tahoe, family dinners, photogs, shopping!! (I always feel better after finding a great pair of shoes), my career and future, being active (not going to say outdoors...unless that hellish five hour hike in chile counts as my outdoors for the next five years), anything and everything except for kickball.
Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, DMB, Natasha Bedingfield,snow patrol, death cab for cutie, killers, strokes, black eyed peas. I'll admit it, I like mainstream.
Remember the Titans, Bring It On, Only You, Ever After, Notebook, Howl's magic?moving? castle, Super Troopers, Zoolander, Band of Brothers.
Lost, Greys Anatomy, Desperate, Law and Order, Project Runway...i'm a reality TV junkie. And, of course, the Food Channel.
All I'm reading right now is Kaplan's gmat study guide and textbooks. Loads of fun - you should pick one up.
the big tran clan and Bill Clinton.