Im a capricorn. My sign should say it all about me. The capricorn is a go-getta. I strive to be the best and refuse to fail. Im patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Im very ambitious. I am a bit shy and reserved sometimes only because I like to observe my surroundings before I get involved. I'm often pessimists. A Capricorn tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly at times. Hold grudges. Like competition and Get what they want. Im a women who works hard and have goals. I set them and achieve them. I cut loose ends and dead weight that is slowing me down and bringing me down. I get back to it when Im at da top to help others be where Im at. (Only if assistance is needed). Im loyal and kind. Make sure no one take my kindness for weakness. Dont need much friends. I keep the ones around who are real and on my level. No point intended. Let me introduce myself name is Claudia A.K.A Miss2sexy!