My name is Jeffrey Nero Hardy. My nicknames r The Charismatic Enigma, Jeffy, Enigmatic Soul Height 6' 2" (1.88 m) My trade mark is wearing unique ring attire along with body paint all over my upper body, sometime even on my face. My new finishing move: The Spine Line (modified Sharpshooter) My trademark move: The Swanton Bomb My finishing Move: Twist of Fate My finishing move: Swanton Bomb (High-Angle Senton Bomb) My finishing move: Twist of Fate (Front Facelock into Cutter/Stunner) My finishing move: Reverse Twist of Fate/Extreme Twist of Fate (Inverted Facelock into Neckbreaker Slam) My trademark move: 450 Splash (early WWF days) My brother matt and tagteam partner. My mother died when i was 9 years old and matt was 12. On July 22, 2001 at WWF Invasion,I lost the wweHardcore Championship to ECW Star Rob Van Dam when I attempted to use my finishing move, the "Swanton Bomb". I missed my intended target, allowing "Mr. Monday Night" to hit me with the "Van Daminator" to get the pin and the victory over me. I was the youngest intercontiental championship at 23. I had held the following titles: WWEIntercontinental title, WWEHardcore title, WWETag title, WWELight Heavyweight title. I also held the euorpean title won it from william regal.I Have a dog named Liger, a raccon named Imagi and a prairie dog named Whitty. My dog liger fathered 3 puppies that i keot them all I named the little man and brownie.I Have a 70 foot aluminiummy in my back yard (an alien statue made of tin foil), and have made my entire back yard into something like the grand canyon Has a man made volcano in my front yard, which I set on fire and uses as a motocross ring Personal quotes "Live for the moment." "It's your body, use it...amuse it...'cos one day, you're gonna lose it!" Where i am I now (July 2003) Will make my ring return at Ring of Honor (June 2004)I Appeared on the 6/23 NWA:TNA PPV whermy I was revealed as the mystery challenger to AJ Styles' X Division Championship. The two matched each other move for move until Kid Kash and Dallas interfered and the match was declared a no contest. (July 2004) Signed a one year contract with TNA. (July 2004) After defeating Monty Brown in a #1 Contender's match, I will meet Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Title soon. (September 2004) Set to face Jeff Jarrett on September 8th for the NWA Title. (September 2004) Lost to Jeff Jarrett for the NWA Title when Jarrett used the guitar on me to get the win. (August 2005) His suspension has now been lifted and is on his way back to TNA. (May 2005) Suspended for 6 weeks from TNA for no showing TNA events. (August 2006) Has signed a contract with the WWE and will be returning to the ring with my brother Matt soon. right now i am on my own. (August 2006) Was re-signed by the WWE..
&videoid=733041519 Jeff hardy's dance
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