Jonathan profile picture


you want me to get naked and start a revolution?

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator hot rods, bikes, punk rock. married. most people annoy me. I love a lot of people very much. I fully intend on changing the world and making it better for the people it sucks for now and making it really suck for anyone in my way.

My Interests

rock n' roll that changes the trend...not that changes as a result of a trend.

I'd like to meet:

the people who will tread a path broad enough for the future that's laid before me.


mxpx, johnny cash, no use for a name, dogwood, social distortion, 25 minutes to go, waylon jennings, 013 wolves, rancid, AFI, southside punx, jimmy eat world, misfits, elvis costello, the clash, sir anderson the doorbum, dwight yoakam, hank sr., hank III, the blacklist royals, braving the change, the descendents, the bouncing souls, revolution radio, the meat puppets, tiger army, the ramones, nirvana, the cars, motor head, southside punx, when it hits, bad religion....stuff with soul.... not math poblems. p.s. dream theatre sucks ass.




heroes. metalocalypse.


comic books and the bible... in that order.


anyone who's ever had to live with the fear of being hated for who they are, how they feel, or what they believe and decided to keep on living. most of us won't understand that, including myself.

My Blog

milestone 4/26/2008

the greatest punk show none of the punks were at... or... the house that ANTiSEEN built. since a few weeks before my 13th birthday when a friend's dad took me to see the ramones last tour with joey, j...
Posted by Jonathan on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:36:00 PST

my journal...

I'm not gonna journal on this thing... go here.
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST