*************** All I know Is everything is not as it's sold but the more I grow the less I know And the more I see, the less I grow Then I see you standing there Wanting more from me And all I can do is try As I say goodbye to the way of life I thought I had designed for me We never will be And that's wonderful, and that's life And that's you, baby This is me, baby ****************************** That's the thing about girls. Everytime they do something pretty, even if they're not much to look at, or even if they're sorta stupid, you fall half in love with them, and you never know where the hell you are. -Girls. Jesus Chyrst- They can drive you crazy. They really can. ********** ********** "You'll never experience true love unless you surrender yourself to the possibility that you could get hurt." -Fools Rush In ********** ********** "Love is when you find someone you can really be yourself with, share anthing with, like best friends. WHen you can't even imagine what your life would be like without that person. When words don't even come close to how your heart feels. And even though it doesn't make sense to other people, you know your meant to be together." -The Hot Chick ********** ********** "Luck is when preparation meets oppurtunity." -Little Black Book ******************** "If you always give, You will always have." -Chinese Proverb **********
Rodney Atkins- Im obcessed with his music, John and I started listening to him when I got pregnant and went to see him at Round Up.. he was amazing! Also Dane Cook, he makes me laugh and I love him. I can't wait to meet my cousin Jillian's 17 children that she wants to have all named after rednecks... lol jk Jilly I love you and I will babysit all the time! I'd really like to meet all Johnnys old friends like from high school so they can confirm how big of a dork he was (and still is)... just kidding baby I love you (even if you are a dork)! And last but not least a politician that can change our country by changing our national language back to ENGLISH, I don't care what language you speak in your house or to other people that speak that language but stop asuming that everyone speaks freaking Spainish.. When my ancestors immigrated here from Italy we didn't push Italian on everyone and get mad when the USA didn't accomadate our language we LEARNED ENGLISH... I hate people who come here for what AMERICA stands for and then expect us to change for them... If you like your language that much go back to your own damn country. Also, stop feeding off our government, get off your ass and get a job. PAY YOUR TAXES. CLEAN UP YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, I hate people that live in dirty neighborhoods and complain about it but DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. Maybe if you weren't slobs you wouldn't have to live in crap. OK I'm done ranting for now, just put someone in office that will restore America and they will have my vote.
everything except techno...whoever invented that crap should be shot, country is def up there -what can I say I'm a country girl, my all time fav is punk/rock/emo though, whatever they are calling it these days TBS, Hawthorne Hieghts, The Ataris, THE USED, Brand New, etc etc etc...My daddy raised me to be a rocker with Lynard Skynard, Ted Nugent, Metalica, AC/DC, Led Zepplin, etc and my mama raised me to be sweet and simple with Reba, Garth, Kenny Chesney, etc...I can do some rap and hip-hop..I like the stuff you can dance too, hate the "I'll shot up the block in my white tee cuz I'm a gangsta thug bullshit ;-)
LOVE old horror flicks..Pet Semetary (def the first one), X-Files, The Omen, Anything by Steven King the mans a genius when it comes to freaky shit..Rose Red for example 5 hours of freaky ass, hair raising shit..rent it! I like other types of movies too...Donnie Darko, Fight Club, girlie movies like 13 going on 30, A Cinderella Story, Raise Your Voice, Mean Girls, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, THE NOTEBOOK (If you didn't cry your little eyes out you have no heart, for real) and 10 Things I Hate About You...hilarious movies like WAITING (InTheBiz people ya gotta), ZOOLANDER "I'm a male model, IDIOT!", OLDSCHOOL "Your crazy dude, ccrraazzyyy!"...cartoon movies like Shrek, Beauty and the Beast and Finding Nemo...movies that make you feel smart after you watch them like Finding Forrester...old movies like Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing, you gotta throw those ones in lol.... HATE Star Wars with a passion, sorry but I've never got past the first 20 seconds without yawning, Star Wars Fans are like a cult so dont like kill me for dispising your god sequels...
GilmoreGirls and OneTreeHill all the wayy...but then who could EVER pass up a 'Cuse game or a HEAT game for that matter :) I have and continue to watch over and over and over and over every single Will&Grace episode I can get my hands on! Love reality TV, specially hottie Ashton Kutcher's Beauty and the Geek...AmericanIdol Regect Junkie for sure...DVRs are the greatest invention EVER specially for people like me (insomniac who cant stand late night infomercials, wait I take that back infomercials PERIOD, workaholic..Oo yea and HAVE A LIFE)
the best book I've ever read "Goat" by Brad Land...read it you'll love it no matter who you are
*My parents, who in this common age of divorce have managed to sustain their love for one another and giving me and my brother the best they had to offer and their unrelentless encouragement and respect, I would def NOT be the person I am today without them! *My Grandmother who taught me right from wrong, that love conquers all and to be myself ...And well basically my whole family who keep it together through all the shit that happens and are always so supportive no matter what, theres not too many people like them out there these days! *John Capone R.I.P. Christopher Delgaudio