I am a Melbournian born and bred. I have never left the county and when i do i doubt i will come back...except when someone i know dies, or gets married. I love and worship Rammstein and if I die before I see them I think well I will be dead so I wont be able to die, but in the next life or whatever you believe in I doubt I will be very happy.
I am writing a story at the moment. It is a procrastination technique, I suggest you try it, its more interesting then this. Unless the people reading this are actually my friends I wont bore you with the nonsense that goes on in it....although most of them have some weird idea that i should get it published....I'm not.
I love my dogs like children and my friends like sisters and brothers. My dogs I couldn't live with out and that is so with some of my friends.
I always wanted a wolf...Now I have one. But I'm just minding Lysander for Trillian.
adopt your own virtual pet!