Carnaj yeh yea profile picture

Carnaj yeh yea

About Me

I go by the name of Carnaj!!! Im A producer slash DJ slash Promoter. I have been dj ing for over 10 years. I started in new york with a sound called Gem Starr were we played all over the Bronx and Manhattan. I relocated to Maryland and continued on a solo mission to be one of the best. While Doing my dj thing I started producing and realized I got something the world needs to hear so I started making trackz for differnet artist. I did tracks for Papya boy an artist that works with soso def. Sai bills another future artist affiliated with the Ump camp S5 label(thats dj unks label). Ive also done work for Plexx one of the hottest underground artist Crut Ball( He's on another level to hot for the radio but he's what we need) and many more artist through out the maryland virgina and dc area. Right now Im also working with a rock band Called the J.U.S evolution. the lead vocalist name is Jus u might Know him from being one of the finalist on Diddys making the band. He started his band and Ive Playd at a couple of there events. Ive also played all DJed all over the dmv (D.C Maryland and Virginia) and thrown some of the biggest events in baltimore. I have alot of events shows and mix tapes coming up in 2009 so remeber the name CARNAJ!!! cause it will b a house hold name and I must say these the words I live by.. As Bounty Killa and Baby Cham would say...'' Hard work is the key to sucess.. but u have some people dont put in nuttin and expect to be the best..''.In other words stay on your grind or dont cry.. PUT YOUR BIO SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile[LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests


Member Since: 11/8/2006
Band Website: ..
Band Members: My squad Plexx the boss. Crut Ball the ass hole. J Believe the future. D the coach. And famous the Beast.
Influences: Everyone who showed or shows excellence in there craft. The only way youll be the best is to see the best do it. People like Jay Z , Bounty killer, Beenie Man, Timbaland, Bob Marley , Kanye West, Tony Matterorn, Michael Jordan , Tiger Woods , Bill Gates , Kobe Bryant , Wesley Pipes , Vannesa Del Rio. Ok maybe I went too far but you get the Idea I need my name to be mentioned with the great ones. NOTHING LESS BUT THE BEST PERIOD
Sounds Like: NOOOOOOOOOOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Record Label: ???

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