I am currently majoring in Music and Sound Recording and minoring in Film Studies. I joined Myspace mostly because I have some friends on here and it looked interesting... we shall see.Oh and just so all who are friends know... they can leave whatever comments or notes they want, but i dont normally pass on stuff that tells me to... no matter how many boys will ask me out, or how many wishes will come true in the number of minutes that i am old.... lol... on that note:I love to sing, dance, read, write, be silly, and just have a good time with my friends and family. I love touring with the Young Continentals (which I did twice) and I hope to be able to chaperone a tour sometime in the near future.. My roomies here at the University of New Haven are Suzanne, Beth, and Nikki in Winchester! Next semester, gonna rock with all the forensic scientists on first floor Winchester: Suzanne, Beth, Shana, and Ashley!!! Good times to come, especially since Nikki, Jay, Kristen, and Melissa will all be down the hall...Take the quiz: "What Color Best Describes You?"
Green can represent...nature and growth. It may also calm people down.
You spend a lot of time outside and like doing new things. You're very mellow and easygoing, never taking things too seriously.