My interests are parties.. music... friends.. being alone...
Interesting people, people who can respect me and who i am and what i choose to believe, people i can respect for being who they are. Houston, Joshie, Andy, Domie, everyone of my friends from HM.Information i Kairi, Mistress of Music is a restricted area. Authorised personel only
I listen to rock and techno, mostly anyway. Cascada, Tony Foo Young, Korn, disturbed, all that good stuff.Family Values Tour 2006 Rocked!!!!! I'm sure 2007 will kick ass too!
I love horror movies... they are fun to watch.... the omen was hilarious.... hostel was a pathetic excuse for a horror film, it was plot less with a lot of gore.
Anime... or random movies on t.v.
I like books... i tend to read a lot... my favorite books are Twilight and New Moon by Stephanie Meyer and i like some other books with the author of Nora Robberts and JD Robb... which are the same person....
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